ファースト・コンサート DASH! KOKUSHO (First Concert DASH! KOKUSHO)
Recorded at: 両国国技館 in Yokoami, Sumida, Tokyo, Japan (1986-12-24)
Released: 01/04/1987
01 - 00:00 - Sunamajiri no Traveling Bus (砂まじりのトラベリンバス)
02 - 03:37 - Koi wa Ring Ring Ring (恋はRing・Ring・Ring)
03 - 06:39 - Kakikake no Diary (書きかけのダイアリー)
04 - 11:09 - Noble Red no Toki (ノーブルレッドの瞬間)
05 - 14:56 - CHA-CHA-CHA
06 - 17:27 - Venus (ヴィーナス)
07 - 20:10 - Roppongi Shinjuu (六本木心中)
08 - 25:36 - Yoake Made "Happy Birthday!" (夜明けまで"Happy Birthday!")
09 - 29:53 - Natsu wo Mattenai (夏を待てない)
10 - 34:16 - Koi wa Ring Ring Ring (恋はRing・Ring・Ring)
11 - 36:38 - Ano Natsu no Bike (あの夏のバイク)
12 - 40:59 - Valentine Kiss (バレンタイン・キッス)
PS: The source video for this upload is far better. I don't know why youtube is downgrade the quality of video. I tryed several configuration in the encoder settings and I still getting the same result, youtube always downgrade the quality the video.
Source video: 3,39 GB (10588kbps)
Youtube video: 518 MB (1617kbps)
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