1 : シネココックス(神奈川県) [US] :2020/02/10(月) 02:11:41 BE:295723299-2BP ID:XuBMq5Tp0●.net
REPORT: Vegans Walking ‘Cabbages’ Instead of Dogs in Trend to Cure Depression
A vegan student said, “It’s a way by which depression and loneliness can be escaped; I feel free, I feel unchained–going for a walk with [the cabbage] makes me feel fully recharged.”
[キャベツ]と一緒に散歩すると、私はフル充電されたなぁと感じるんだ。」とのこと。Another student added, “If the cabbage arrives home in good condition, I just wash it off and serve it for dinner–we’re left wanting more!”
別の学生が付け加えた。「キャベツが良い状態で家に着いたら、洗い流して夕食に出すだけさ!」A third student, seventeen-year-old Lui Ja Chen said, “When I see another cabbage walker, it’s easy to strike up a conversation. Cabbages are better than dogs as they don’t bark or start fights with the other vegetables.”
Source: http://matometanews.com/index.rdf
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